Welcome to our School on the Importance of Domains.
Domains are the very backbone of all websites. It’s your virtual six and there’s no way to establish an online presence without one. You disagree? More than likely, you’ve been tricked into boosting someone else’s domain. When you don’t own or haven’t purchased one, then you’re using someone else’s domain. No reputable business, nor one desiring authority in its field, would do so.
Walmart wouldn’t direct you to Amazon’s domain for any reason. Kroger wouldn’t list its items elsewhere, in fact, Kroger doesn’t sell products outside of Kroger stores and websites. There are many reasons why this digital asset is so valuable but the most important thing to understand is, it’s your address. You online address for fans, friends, family, future business partners and a means to several incomes.

Do I really need a Domain?
The answer is YES. Absolutely and unequivocally. You need a Domain because Domains are still the future. The internet is still young, and no online site exist without one. The School on the Importance of Domains is real. Your Business is real. Your Brand is real. The goal is to expand and accumulate more people who identify with your Brand, so you need Domains.
New Customers in foreign countries are awaiting your online store to shop with you. Your Art or Photography Online Portfolio will need a Domain when applying for employment or to Contract. There’s actually no reason not to own a Domain or three. The worst that can happen is…you gain more fans or followers.
What are domains?
Domains are online addresses. Here at BLUE ALBATROSS MEDIA’S School on the importance of Domains, you will learn that just like we need an address to visit your home, so we don’t accidentally visit your neighbors; we need an address to visit your Business online, so we don’t accidentally visit your competition.

Addresses to your home, is usually already predetermined but with Domains, it’s the opposite. So, you can make up whatever name you desire for your website, Business or establishing your online presence. Domains are a big business and unfortunately hundreds of millions of Domains are already in someone’s or some Business portfolio. So, that means, if your new to Domains and want to get your perfect Domain or purchase some worth money, you’re probably going to need some help.
Things to ask before buying a Domain to sell.
There are important things to ask yourself before purchasing domains. There are many things to ask but I’ll listed a few to help you from wasting too much money. You will waste a few bucks just from addiction alone. After the high from buying them subsides, you’ll become more strategic and savvier about which domains you purchase.
What is the domain name?
Is it legible?
Who would want it?
Why would they want it?
Could it have multiple uses?
What Businesses could use it?
How could they use it?
Who to contact?
Is it Brandable?
Who does it align with most?
Ideal Market?
Top 10 websites in search?
Social media handles?
Similar Names?
GoDaddy evaluation?
Local Businesses that need it?
What are reasons I need a domain name?
Creates an Online Presence: Business Associates, Fans, Future Clients, Potential Investors and more all need a way to see/connect you Online.
Adds Credibility to your Business or Brand: Lots of potential clients will not take you serious without a website or online address.
It shows your Serious: It shows commitment to your Brand or Business. People only want to invest in those who invest in themselves.
Expansion: People all over the world can find you. You can expand to markets you’ve never traveled. Don’t limit your reach, get a Domain today!
Investment: Domains can be a great investment if done right. Everyday millions of dollars in Domains are sold. Voice.com sold for 30,000,000.
Business: A website by itself can be a Business. Don’t want a brick-and-mortar storefront, well start an online drop shipping store with no startup cost.

Domain Facts
Domains were free until 1995. Yes, all Domains; until someone got smart.
There are over 400 million registered Domains. Wow, that’s a lot… but it’s also proof of their value.
A registration error cause googol.com to end up being google.com.
California.com sold for 3,000,000. Genius investment that paid off big time.
Insurance.com sold for 36.6 million. Makes you all tingly inside, don’t it?
Mike Mann set a record of 14,962 Domains in a 24-hour period. No bathroom, food or sleep breaks.
Domains can be stolen or Highjacked! Guard them like you do all valuables.
You can lease or rent your Domain out and get a residual income. Still increasing the value of the Domain.
Our Story
My love for domains…
I like the average person, knew nothing about domains most of my life. I’ve typed and seen thousands searching the web, each time overlooking their significant purpose. Bored one day, I was prying at the many layers of Google and seen that they were a registrar of domains. This intrigued me and I inquired more. After a short period of doubt, I pulled the trigger and purchased 5 domains. It was exhilarating. This was a decade ago. I’ve purchased a thousand domains since then. Many useless but that’s how addictive they can be.
I still research and purchase domains, not as often but it’s something I’ll always have interest in. I view it as digital realty. You now own a space online that’s entirely yours and you can entertain a lot of visitors or none. Just like in your real home. I implore you to read more on domains and to at minimum purchase one domain and see if it doesn’t enthrall you. It’s less than 10 bucks. You waste more on subscription services you no longer use. I’ll be sure to include as many links and information as possible on this page, so you can make an educated decision for yourself. You’re welcome in advance.
Thank you.

“Just like we need an address to visit your home, so we don’t accidentally visit your neighbors; we need an address to visit your business online, so we don’t accidentally visit your competition.”
There’s actually no reason not to own a Domain or three...hundred